-- everything is a location, an object or a timer --

XVAN syntax

(download as pdf)

Story file section syntax

Story info section

Insert section

Verb section

Direction section

Noun section

Adjective section

Preposition section

Adverb Section

Articles section

Question word section

Conjunction section

Common descriptions section

Common flags section

Common attributes section

Common triggers section

Locations section

Objects section

Timers section

A sample XVAN location

A sample XVAN object

A sample XVAN verb

Story file section syntax

Text in BOLD UNDERLINED ITALIC are keywords

Sections may occur multiple times in the input file(s) and in arbitrary order. Exception is the STORY INFO section, which must be the first section in the main input file.

For easier maintenance it is recommend to group similar sections (e.g. all locations grouped together), so you know where to look when editing the story.

Story info section

TITLE  "XVAN story"  
AUTHOR "Marnix"  
COVERTEXT "text"  
CHOICE_MODE   # optional
HYBRID_MODE   # optional
VERSION            "1.0.0"  
ANDROID_MKT url # optional
IOS_MKT          url # optional
BACKIMAGE        file path # optional
EFFECT             path # optional
NO_SIDEBAR           # optional
NO_TEXTINPUT      # optional
NO_COMPASS        # optional
PRIMARY_COLOR "text" # optional
AUTOLINK               # optional
XVAN_LANGUAGE "language" # optional
STORY_LANGUAGE  "language" # optional

 Keywords other than TITLE, AUTHOR, VERSION, CHOICE_MODE, HYBRID_MODE and LANGUAGE are only used by IFI-XAN (XVAN version with graphical user interface). For more information on possible values, consult the IFI-XVAN documentation.

The language keywords and languages may be entered in the supported languages, currently English and Dutch:



english, eng, engels

dutch, nl, nederlands

If a language keyword is omitted, it defaults to English.

For IFI_XVAN, the keywords CHOICE_MODE and HYBRID_MODE determine the values for sidebar, textinput and compass.

CHOICE_MODE and HYBRID_MODE will turn on the compass and sidebar, regardless of the setting in the story info setting.

Insert section

$insert "sample.lib" # the file sample.lib will be processed now.

Verb section

$VERB maximum_size_verb
   <prologue code>

   <epilogue code>

        if <condition> then score(number) endif
     <default code for commands in string-1 .. string-n>

     <default default verb code>

$VERB minimum_size_verb ENDVERB

$REDEFINE_VERB existing_verb_name
    <prologue code>

    <epilogue code>

       if <condition> then score(number) endif
    <default code for commands in string-1 .. string-n>

    <default default verb code>

Note: $redefine_verb is used to redefine a verb that is in the library with new behavior without having to edit the library (for easier library version control)

Direction section

 north  SYNONYM  n      
 south SYNONYM  s
 east  SYNONYM   e      
  west  SYNONYM   w      
 northeast  SYNONYM   ne      
 northwest SYNONYM   nw      
 southeast  SYNONYM   se
 southwest  SYNONYM   sw      
 up  SYNONYM   u SYNONYM   high    
 down  SYNONYM   d SYNONYM   low    
 in, out, left, right, forward, back        


Noun section

  # Define nouns here:
  noun1, noun2, noun3 SYNONYM noun4, noun5 PLURAL noun6, ....

Note: for defined nouns, plural that ends with “s” or “es” (dutch: “s”, “n” or “en” will automatically be handled by the interpreter. Other plural forms must be defined by adding after the noun with the PLURAL keyword (e.g. ox PLURAL oxen).

Adjective section

  # Define adjectives here:
  adjective1, adjective2, adjective3 SYNONYM adjective4, ...


Preposition section

  # Define prepositions:
  preposition1, preposition2, ...


Adverb Section

  # Define adverbs here:
  adverb1 SYNONYM adverb2 SYNONYM adverb3, adverb4, ....


Articles section

  # Define articles here:
  article1, article2, ...


Question word section

  # Examples of question words are: where, who, how, which etc
  # Define question words here:
  qword1, qword2, qword3, ...


Conjunction section

  # An example of a conjunction is the word 'and'.
  # Define conjunctions here:
  conjunction1, conjunction2, ...


Common descriptions section

  # Define common descriptions here, with syntax:
  d_descr1, d_descr2, d_descr3 .....


Common flags section

  # Define common flags here with syntax:
  f_flag1 = <value>   # value is either 0 or 1
  f_flag2 = <value>


Common attributes section

  # Define common attributes  here with syntax:
  r_attribute1 = <value>
  r_attribute2 = <value>


Common triggers section

  # Define common triggers here with syntax:


  # Redefine existing common triggers here with syntax:


Note: $redefine_trigger is used to redefine a trigger that is in a library or the Library with new behavior without having to edit the library (for easier library version control)


Locations section

# Define locations here with syntax:
$LOCATION l_location1
  <location body, see sample location for an example>


Objects section

# Define objects here with syntax:
$OBJECT o_object1
  <object body, see sample object section for an example>


Timers section

# Define timers here with syntax:

 value <number>  
 step <number>  
 direction up / down
 interval <number>  
 state go / stop  
 trigger_at <number> or_more  / or_less
 execute <trigger> # l_loc.t_trig or o_obj.t_trig

  value <number>


A sample XVAN location

 Text in BOLD UNDERLINED ITALIC are keywords


$LOCATION l_panel_room
    d_sys "the panel room", "the lever room"

    d_entrance "As you enter the wall seems to close behind you."

    "You are in a square room. The walls are made of a smooth /
     material. You cannot see a direct way out."

    "You don't know where  you are. It is pitch black. You can /
    make out the outlines of a panel in the north wall. There /
    seems to be a light source behind the panel, which shines /
    through the edges."

    "It takes some time for your eyes to adapt to the sudden /
    darkness. After some time, you can make out the outlines /
    of a panel in the north wall. There seems to be a  light source /
    behind the panel, which shines through the edges."

    n   -> l_room1
    e   -> l_room3
    sw -> l_room7

    "look"                     -> t_look
    "turn off [o_lamp]" -> t_off
    "pull [o_lever]"       -> t_pull_lever

      # Strings may also be printed directly, instead of using a description
      printcr("As you pull down the you feel some resistance...")
      printcr("You pull it all the way down and let go. It slowly returns to the up position")
      if valdir(l_room2, w) then
        blockexit(l_room2, w)
        printcr("The exit in the west wall disappears.")
        newexit(l_room2, w, l_room4)
        printcr("An exit just appeared in the west wall!")

    if islit(o_player) then

    if cansee(o_player, l_location) then   # l_location is player’s current location



A sample XVAN object

Text in BOLD UNDERLINED ITALIC are keywords

This is the player character that represents the user playing the story.

 $OBJECT o_player
    d_sys   "you", “me”
    d_init  "Short sample story for X_VAN2.2"

  CONTAINED in l_room0

    f_alive             = 1
    f_may_save   = 1

    r_to_be_verb   = are
    r_last_loc          = l_room0

  "save"                                   ->  t_save
  "restore"                               ->  t_restore
  "[dir]"                                    ->  t_move
  "follow [o_npc]"                   -> t_follow
  "where is [o_subject]"        ->  t_where

    # This trigger initializes things. It is started by timer
    # m_init that goes off right away.

    agree() # prevents calling default t_entrance for player.

    if testflag(f_may_save) then
      printcr("We don't allow to save at this point ... ")


    if valdir(l_location, dir) then
      if exit(l_location) then
        # exit() returns true if the location and all objects in location
        # allow the player to leave the location. The exit() function
        # calls all t_exit triggers.
        move(o_player, dir) # move updates current location
      nomatch()  # let other objects react.

    if equal(o_npc.r_last_loc, l_location) then
      move(o_player, o_npc.r_last_dir)  # also updates l_location
      printcr("You cannot follow [the] [o_npc]")

    # may also use printcr(owner(o_subject).d_sys), this will print the first d_sys from
    # the location or object's definition. Without .d_sys and f_swap set it will print the
    # last d_sys that was referred to.

A sample XVAN verb

 Text in BOLD UNDERLINED ITALIC are keywords

$VERB ask
  # Verbs have a scope. Default scope is CURR_LOC_ONLY
  # (the current location and the objects that are in it and visible).
  #  Other options are ACTOR_ONLY (the actor and everything he
  # carries and is visible) or  ALL_LOCS (every location and
  # object in the game).
  # The scope determines the locations and objects that are
  # considered by the interpreter during parsing the user's input


    # If ctor is going to ask something to the subject
    # he must be able to see him.
    if not(equal(o_subject, %none)) then
      if not(cansee(o_actor, o_subject)) then
        printcr("But [o_actor] can´t see [the] [o_subject] here!")

  # following are the inputs that the verb will respond to,
  # provided that none of the locations or object has
  # responded to the user input.

    printcr("You have to be more specific than that!")

  # Next we have 2 inputs that have the same response.
  # If there is no code between two or more text strings,
  # they will all be registered with the same action record.

  "ask [o_subject] about [o_spec]",
  "[o_actor], ask [o_subject] about [o_spec]"
      # If there is ambiguity about the specifier, the
      # parser must consider specifiers that the actor
      #has seen before.
      # This code will only be run if the specifier cannot
      # be uniquely identified from the user input

      if testflag(o-spec.f_seen_before) then score(5)
    if testflag(o_subject.f_alive) then
      printcr(“It's just an ordinary [o_spec]. There’s nothing more to tell about it. ")
      printcr("You're talking to [a] [o_subject]! Are you feeling ok?")

    # The default section serves as a last resort.
    printcr("That will not work.")




  (c) Marnix van den Bos contact: marnix@xvan.nl