-- everything is a location, an object or a timer --
First, a little background information on how XVAN parses user input.
After the user enters a command string, the parser tries to translate it
into an action, subjects, specifiers, etc. The parser looks for nouns
and adjectives in the user input and compares them to the d_sys
descriptions from objects and locations that are in scope.
It may occur that more than one object or location can be mapped to the
user input. Let’s take the following example: we now have two toasters
in the kitchen, a red toaster and a blue toaster. The player enters the
command “get toaster”. In this situation, the parser has 2 objects that
qualify as a subject: the red toaster and the blue toaster. The player
has issued an ambiguous command. In such a situation, the parser needs
more information from the player and would print a message like “Which
toaster do you mean? The red toaster or the blue toaster?”. The player
would, for example, reply with “blue” and the parser would map the blue
toaster as the subject. This works well.
Now consider the following. The player is in the kitchen. He carries the
blue toaster and the red toaster is on the floor. The player enters “get
toaster”. Again, the parser will find two objects that qualify, the red
toaster and the blue toaster, so it will ask the player which toaster he
But… considering the fact that the player is already carrying the blue
toaster and that he issued a get command, it is very likely that he
means to get the red toaster. The same goes for the “drop toaster”
command: since he’s only carrying the blue toaster it is safe to assume
he wants to drop the blue toaster.
It is important to realize that the parser can only map nouns/adjectives
to XVAN objects/locations. The parser has no knowledge about the
context(the action) like the interpreter has. After the parser has
finished the mapping, the interpreter will execute the trigger or verb
default code with the objects/locations it got from the parser. So, to
help the parser become better in resolving ambiguities, we must make it
aware of the action.
From XVAN version 2.1 each section of default code can be extended with
disambiguation rules. In case the parser finds more than one candidate
when mapping the user input, it will check the disambiguation rules
section for the verb syntax that it is parsing. The disambiguation rules
give points to objects who – given the context - qualify better than
other objects. So in our “get toaster” example, the red toaster would
get points for not being carried and the blue toaster would not.
An example for the “get” verb:
If equal(o_subject, %none) then
if not(testflag(o_subject.f_takeable)) then
printcr("[the] [o_subject] is not something that can be taken.")
printcr("What do you want to get?")
"get [o_subject]"
If not(owns(o_actor, o_subject)) then score(5) endif
If not(owns(o_actor, o_subject)) then
move(o_subject, o_actor)
printcr("[o_subject]: taken.")
printcr("But [o_actor] already [o_actor.r_have] [the]
printcr("I only understood you as far as wanting to get something.")
The disambiguation rules will be evaluated for each possible subject. In
our toaster example this will be the red toaster and the blue toaster.
The red toaster will be awarded 5 points because it’s not held by the
player. Therefore the red toaster ‘wins’. The score() function is the
only function that can be used after the ‘THEN’ statement in the
disambiguation rules section.
Keep in mind that disambiguation rules are only consulted in case
multiple objects qualify for mapping user input. If the user is carrying
the blue toaster and enters “get blue toaster”, the parser will map the
subject to o_blue_toaster. There is no disambiguation here. When
executing the command, the interpreter will find – when executing the
“get [o_subject” default code – that the user is already carrying the
blue toaster and will print the error message. So, disambiguation rules
and trigger/verb default code operate at different levels.
In part 3 we already saw o_nst, the no-such-thing object. As explained
in the previous section, possible candidates get awarded points by the
disambiguation rules. If all candidates end up with the same amount of
points, the parser still has no clue and will fall back to asking the
player which object he means.
All candidates start with zero points. In our toaster example, if both
the red and blue toaster are on the floor and the player says "get
toaster", both will end up with five points after applying the
disambiguation rules and the parser will ask the player which toaster he
means, which is what we want.
But if the player carries both toasters and he says "get toaster" both
toasters will end up with 0 points and the parser will ask the player
which toaster he means and then tell him he's already carrying it. Which
is *not* what we want.
This is where the no-such-thing object comes in. o_nst is contained in
the player object and it always participates in disambiguation. Where
all objects start with 0 points in disambiguation, o_nst will have 1
point by default.
$OBJECT o_nst
# this object must always be present
# it may be modified but removal will cause a compiler error
d_no "no such thing"
d_any "any such thing"
CONTAINED in o_player
In case all objects end up with 0 points, o_nst will win. The
interpreter must check for this and can print an appropriate message.
verb "get" that considers o_nst
If equal(o_subject, %none)
OR equal(o_subject, o_nst) then
if not(testflag(o_subject.f_takeable)) then
printcr("[the] [o_subject] is not something that can be taken.")
printcr("What do you want to get?")
"get [o_subject]"
if not(owns(o_actor, o_subject)) then score(5) endif
if equal(o_subject, o_nst) then
printcr("There is [o_nst.d_no] to get.")
If not(owns(o_actor, o_subject)) then
move(o_subject, o_actor)
printcr("[o_subject]: taken.")
printcr("But [o_actor] already [o_actor.r_have] [the]
printcr("I only understood you as far as wanting to get something.")
As an example, consider the toaster scenario where the player is holding
both the blue and the red toaster and says "drop toaster".
Transcript from the tutorial game
XVAN transcript for: XVAN tutorial
version: 1.0
> l
This is the kitchen. There is not much here. The hallway is to the
There's a red toaster here.
There's a blue toaster here.
To the north is a door that leads to the garden.
> get toaster
Which toaster do you mean?
The red toaster or the blue toaster?
> blue
blue toaster: taken.
> l
This is the kitchen. There is not much here. The hallway is to the
There's a red toaster here.
To the north is a door that leads to the garden.
> get toaster
Red toaster: taken.
> i
You are carrying:
a blue toaster
a red toaster
> get toaster
There is no such thing to get.
> transcript
Turning off transcript mode.
Note: we used the transcript command described in section 2 to copy all
screen output to file transcript.txt.
The first "get toaster" command was issued when both the red and the
blue toaster were on the floor. Disambiguation rules did not help here
(both toasters got 5 points an o_nst had 1, so the parser had to get
back to the player for more info.
The second "get toaster" command was given when the player had the blue
toaster and the red one was on the floor. Disambiguation rules gave 5
points to the red toaster, 0 to the blue and o_nst already had 1. So,
the red toaster was the winner here.
The third "get toaster" command was given when the player held both
toasters. So both the red and the blue toaster ended up with 0 points
and o_nst had the 1 it started with and thus won. The verb code detected
o_nst was the subject and printed the "There's no such thing to get."
This is the end of part 5. Everything we did is in the files part5-end.xvn and part5-end.lib.